


    • Logo of the Technical Educational Training Research Council of India.
    • Navigation menu with options like Home, Courses, About Us, Contact Us.
    • User login and registration buttons.

Hero Section:

    • Eye-catching banner/slider showcasing key features and courses.
    • Call-to-action buttons leading to popular courses or registration.

Courses Section:

    • Featured courses with images, titles, and brief descriptions.
    • Categories of courses (e.g., Engineering, Information Technology, etc.).
    • Search and filter options.

About Us:

    • Information about the Technical Educational Training Research Council of India.
    • Mission, vision, and values.
    • Details about the team and instructors.

Contact Us:

    • Contact form.
    • Contact details and office address.

Social media links.

Courses Page:

Course Listings:

    • Detailed list of available courses.
    • Each course card includes an image, title, brief description, and enroll button.

Filtering and Sorting:

    • Options to filter courses by category, level, and duration.
    • Sorting options based on popularity, rating, or alphabetical order.

Course Details:

    • Detailed information about each course, including syllabus, duration, and instructor details.
    • Enroll button.

User Dashboard:

Profile Overview:

User profile picture.

Summary of enrolled courses, progress, and achievements.

Enrolled Courses:

List of courses the user is currently enrolled in.

Progress tracking and completion status.

Certificates and Achievements:

Display earned certificates and achievements.


Quick links to important pages (Home, Courses, About Us, Contact Us).

Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and other legal information.

Social media links.

Additional Features:

Discussion Forum:

    • Course-specific forums for students to discuss topics and seek help.

Live Sessions:

    • Schedule live sessions or webinars with instructors.

Resource Library:

    • Additional learning materials such as e-books, articles, and tutorials.

Feedback and Ratings:

    • Allow users to provide feedback and rate courses.

Responsive Design:

    • Ensure the website is accessible on various devices.
  • Advancement  in  Information  Technology  has  led  to changes  in  teaching  and  learning  processes  of  many  educational institutions across the globe, which provides reliable, convenient and easily  accessible  environment  that is  conducive  for  learning. This study carried out an assessment of TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL TRAINING RESEARCH COUNCIL OF INDIA  E-Learning  System to  study  the  flaws  associated  with its  existing utilization  analysis  process/methods  of  the  system  as  well  to determine the requirement to be considered for the development of a framework for utilization analysis process. The utilization analysis of E-Learning Systems is associated with a lot of potentials: monitoring of users activities on the learning management system for the purpose of  continue  improvement  of  the  E-learning  System  in  order  to enhance users experience on the platform. It  can also provide up to date information which can be useful to the council management to make  an  effective  and  efficient  decision  which  can  transform teaching and learning processes positively in the University.  We  therefore  developed  e-learning  utilization analysis  framework  based  on  the  findings  of  this  study.  All  the parameters considered  in the newly developed framework are  very significant  and  could  be  useful  for  future  design  of  e-learning systems. E-Learning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources. Although eLearning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet. This makes it easy for users to learn anytime, anywhere, with few, if any, restrictions. Basically, eLearning is training, learning, or education delivered online through a computer or any other digital device. Self-regulated learning refers to several concepts that play major roles in learning, and which have significant relevance in e-learning. explains that in order to develop self-regulation, learning courses should offer opportunities for students to practice strategies and skills by themselves. Self-regulation is also strongly related to a student's social sources such as parents and teachers. Moreover, Steinberg (1996) found that high-achieving students usually have high-expectation parents who monitor their children closely. With the academic environment, self-regulated learners usually set their academic goals and monitor and react themselves in process in order to achieve their goals. Moreover, academic self-regulation also helps students develop confidence in their ability to perform well in e-learning courses.
  • The lessons are developed by highly qualified faculty members across the universities and are continually edited and reviewed, primarily by discipline-expert Fellows employed to edit, oversee and coordinate the content. The content goes through several levels of rigorous peer reviewing and academic vetting to ensure quality and standardization. TETRCI also contains multimedia repository in form of audio, video and short films to expose students to new technologies in pedagogy.
  • E-Learning -Digital Training System by TETRCI
  • TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL TRAINING RESEARCH COUNCIL OF INDIA  providing Electronic Learning System on Student Login Portal for self learning and assessment training At TETRCI®  dedicated course content area is provided for easy access based on the year, course and department. Registered students get secure and free access to course.
  • Faculty authors the content and keeps the course content and presentations ready before the class session is conducted. Students can access this content later from home and hostels. At the end of day the faculty would post one or more questions based on current day’s class topic. Students would reply to these questions in an online forum which is evaluated by the faculty before the next class session. As the topics are completed, an online test is conducted in a dedicated ‘E-Learning’ where all students would answer the test and real time evaluation and result posting is done by the system. Assignment submissions and links to external resources such as useful content posted by other universities and online steaming of video are provided. Centre for Ethics programs currently making full use of e-learning platform.
  • Highlights of E-Learning-Digital Training System by TETRCI®
  • Course Content: Students and Teacher can see detailed and described syllabus Course content shows as per the student course. Which are designed by highly qualified subject teachers and trainers.
  • Groups: Students and Teacher can Make and manage group within the groups or course.
  • Forums: Students and Teacher can Ask and answer for questions, publish ideas, get peer opinion and feedback. Discuss on topics covered in class room.
  • Manage Media: Students and Teacher can Share media between members. Build your own media pool or a digital library.
  • Online Tests: Teacher can Create and participate in online tests, get evaluated automatically and post results.
  • Feedback Forms: Students and Teacher can Create and participate in online surveys and feedbacks. Get automated feedback results during seminars, class room sessions.
  • Online Calendar: Students and Teacher can Manage personal and course calendar. Synchronize course calendar from multiple departments you are part of calendar with your personal email calendar.
  • Assessment Learning : Its helps to students and Teachers to create and  Manage course previous examinations and assessments. And Students can also practice for assessment management timing and questionnaire.
  • Practice of Similar Contents Online : Students and Teacher can do practice with working in various applications are in built in the system.