Academic Rules and Instructions for Students

Technical Educational Training Research Council of India

Welcome to the Technical Educational Training Research Council of India! As a student, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the following academic rules and instructions to ensure a smooth and successful educational journey.

1. Enrollment and Registration

1.1 Admission Criteria:

  • Admissions are based on merit, and candidates must meet the specified eligibility criteria for each program.
  • Ensure timely submission of all required documents during the admission process.

1.2 Registration:

  • Complete the registration process within the stipulated timeframe.
  • Pay the prescribed fees to confirm your enrollment.

2. Academic Conduct

2.1 Code of Conduct:

  • Maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical behavior.
  • Plagiarism and cheating are strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.

2.2 Attendance:

  • Regular attendance is mandatory for all classes, workshops, and practical sessions.
  • Notify the concerned faculty in case of unavoidable absences with valid reasons.

3. Curriculum and Examinations

3.1 Curriculum Requirements:

  • Familiarize yourself with the curriculum for your program and adhere to the specified course requirements.
  • Seek clarification from faculty or advisors if you have any doubts about the curriculum.

3.2 Examinations:

  • Prepare well for examinations and adhere to the examination schedule.
  • Follow the examination rules and regulations, including the use of authorized materials and devices.

4. Project Work and Research

4.1 Project Guidelines:

  • Comply with the guidelines provided for project work and research.
  • Seek guidance from faculty advisors for the successful completion of projects.

4.2 Ethical Research Practices:

  • Adhere to ethical standards in research, ensuring the responsible and honest conduct of experiments and studies.

5. Facilities and Resources

5.1 Library Usage:

  • Utilize library resources responsibly and return borrowed materials on time.
  • Respect library rules and maintain a conducive environment for studying.

5.2 Laboratory Safety:

  • Follow safety protocols in laboratories to prevent accidents and ensure a secure working environment.

6. Communication

6.1 Official Communication:

  • Check your official email regularly for important announcements and updates.
  • Communicate with faculty, staff, and fellow students in a respectful and professional manner.

7. Disciplinary Actions

7.1 Violation of Rules:

  • Any violation of academic rules may lead to disciplinary actions, including warnings, suspension, or expulsion.
  • Report any concerns or grievances through the designated channels.

8. Graduation Requirements

8.1 Credit Requirements:

  • Fulfill all credit requirements specified for your program to be eligible for graduation.
  • Clear all dues and obligations to receive your degree.
  • Fee  once  paid  shall  not  be  refunded  transferred  under  any  circumstances.
  • All  matters  concerned  with examination  dates,  procedures  and  result  will be  decided  by  TETRCI Head Office  and shall be final and binding changes  (if  any) shall be intimated  from time to time.
  • If classes are not commenced within 15 days of admissions then the registration process will automatically be cancelled.
  •  If the student will absent more than 15 Days in between the course period without any information then the registration will be cancelled and no any kind of fees claim will be considered.
  • If classes are not  commenced  within 10 days of admission and the certificate is not received within 60  days after the Passing the TETRCI Examination, It should  be immediately  brought to the  notice  of  the  head  office  /registered office.
  • Though  the  prospectus  is  purchased  from  one place,  submission  and  registration  can be done  at any  of  the TETRCI Authorized  Training Centre nationwide.
  • Verify  the  authorization  of  the  Training Centre  by  the  “ Affiliation  Certificate  “  issued to  the  Centre  by H.O. before submitting  the  application  form.
  • Student   should always demand for the receipt of any payment.  The receipt should bear the authorized signature and seal of Authorized Study and Training Centre.
  • Irrespective of age and position, the student is expected to maintain appropriate relation with the management & staff.
  • The students when asked to meet the management with Parent/ Guardian should follow the instructions strictly.
  • The management expects the student co-operation while taking any step to ensure a good career path for them.
  • Student should carry the Identity Card endorsed by the H.O.  at all  times  within  the  Centre  premises.
  • The student must attend all the theory and lab sessions regularly.
  • Proper discipline has to be maintained within the Centre premises. Any student found misbehaving will be restricted from attending the class.
  • Regular  misbehaviour  will   be  the  cause  of cancellation  of  the  registration  of  candidate..